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North Atlantic Books


Date de sortie

17 avril 1998

Jon Klimo
Art de vivre
Par Jon Klimo
In this study of channeling, earlier called spirit communication or mediumship, Klimo, who teaches at Rosebridge Graduate School in the San Francisco Bay Area, writes with clarity about "the communication of information to or through a physically embodied human being from a source…on some other level or dimension of reality other than the physical as we know it." He profiles recent channels and their sources, goes back to preliterate societies and the advent of monotheism and identifies as channels such figures as Moses, Solomon, Muhammad, Merlin, Nostradamus, Swedenborg and Edgar Cayce. He discusses the sorts of people who are channels, kinds of information channeled, sources of information channeled and varieties of channeling like clairvoyance and automatic writing. According to Klimo, few people tap into their abilities to perform channelingand for those who think they can, he serves as guide.

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